How to build Quickstart VM


  • Operation system: Linux
  • Make: Make is a build automation tool that automatically builds executable programs. Make is already built in Linux or macOS.
  • Packer 1.4+: Packer is an open source tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
  • VirtualBox 5.2+

Build OVA file

  • We use make command to execute all our tasks. For building the specific version of Ohara quickstart VM, you must provide the argument OHARA_VER when execute the make command.

Build the OVA file, following is an example(OHARA_VER=0.7.1):

[quickstart]$ cd vm
[vm]$ make OHARA_VER=0.7.1 ova
Build time: 2019/09/10 10:10
Start building quickstart VM ova file...
virtualbox-iso output will be in this color.

==> virtualbox-iso: Retrieving ISO
==> virtualbox-iso: Trying .cache/ubuntu-18.04.3-server-amd64.iso
==> virtualbox-iso: Trying .cache/ubuntu-18.04.3-server-amd64.iso?checksum=sha256%3A7d8e0055d663bffa27c1718685085626cb59346e7626ba3d3f476322271f573e
==> virtualbox-iso: .cache/ubuntu-18.04.3-server-amd64.iso?checksum=sha256%3A7d8e0055d663bffa27c1718685085626cb59346e7626ba3d3f476322271f573e => /your/project/path/ohara/vms/quickstart/.cache/packer_cache/fdcf467e727a368c2aac26ac2284f0f517dc29fb.iso
==> virtualbox-iso: Starting HTTP server on port 8251
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating hard drive...
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating forwarded port mapping for communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3248)
==> virtualbox-iso: Executing custom VBoxManage commands...
:   :   :   :
:   :   :   :
==> virtualbox-iso: Gracefully halting virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso: Preparing to export machine...
    virtualbox-iso: Deleting forwarded port mapping for the communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 3248)
==> virtualbox-iso: Exporting virtual machine...
    virtualbox-iso: Executing: export ohara-quickstart-0.7.1 --output build/ohara-quickstart-0.7.1.ova
==> virtualbox-iso: Deregistering and deleting VM...
Build 'virtualbox-iso' finished.

==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> virtualbox-iso: VM files in directory: build

The OVA file will be output to: build/ohara-quickstart-{OHARA_VER}.ova


Currently, we use Ubuntu 18.04.03 LTS as Quickstart VM’s operation system. Packer will try to find the ubuntu iso file in the quickstart/.cache folder first, and then download the Ubuntu iso file from internet if the iso file not be found in the cache folder.

To save your building time, you can download the Ubuntu iso file manually and put into quickstart/.cache folder.

Import OVA

After generated the quickstart ova file, you can use VirtualBox user interface to import the OVA file(File -> Import Appliance) or use following command:

[vm]$ make OHARA_VER=0.7.1 vm-import
vboxmanage import build/ohara-quickstart-0.7.1.ova --vsys 0 --vmname ohara-quickstart-0.7.1
Interpreting /your/project/path/ohara/vms/quickstart/build/ohara-quickstart-0.7.1.ova...
  vmdisk1       85899345920     -1       ohara-quickstart-0.7.1-disk001.vmdk -1      -1

Virtual system 0:
 0: Suggested OS type: "Ubuntu_64"
    (change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values)
 1: VM name specified with --vmname: "ohara-quickstart-0.7.1"
 2: Description "Ohara Quickstart VM
Ohara version: 0.7.1
Build time: 2019/09/10 10:10"
    (change with "--vsys 0 --description <desc>")
 3: Number of CPUs: 2
    (change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>")
 4: Guest memory: 4096 MB
    (change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>")
 5: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra slot=0;type=NAT
 6: Network adapter: orig HostOnly, config 3, extra slot=1;type=HostOnly
 7: IDE controller, type PIIX4
    (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore")
 8: IDE controller, type PIIX4
    (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 8 --ignore")
 9: Hard disk image: source image=ohara-quickstart-0.7.1-disk001.vmdk, target path=/home/xxxx/VirtualBox VMs/ohara-quickstart-0.7.1/ohara-quickstart-0.7.1-disk001.vmdk, controller=7;channel=0
    (change target path with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --disk path";
    disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --ignore")

Use Quickstart VM

After import quickstart VM to VirtualBox, you can press Start button to start the VM. And then you can see following screen:

Ubuntu 10.04.03 LTS ohara-vm tty1
ohara-vm login:

Please use ohara as login account and oharastream as password to login to VM. If this is your first time to login Quickstart VM, the progress of pull Ohara docker images will be starting automatically. So please make sure your machine can connect to Internet.

After download the images, and then you can see the ip address info of the VM, for example:

IP address info:
lo              UNKNOWN ::1/128
enp0s3          UP     fe80::a00:27ff:feac:ad8a/64
enp0s8          UP     fe80::a00:27ff:fe09:1a1e/64
docker0         DOWN  

We can find the private IP address (enp0s8) in the above list. So the configurator ip address is .

Run Ohara configurator(port 12345):
$ ./
+ docker run --rm -p 12345:12345 -d oharastream/configurator:0.7.1 --port 12345
Run Ohara manager(port 5050), provide the configurator ip address as parameter:
$ ./
+ docker run --rm -p 5050:5050 -d oharastream/manager:0.7.1 --port 5050 --configurator

Now you can open your browser and input the link: to open the main page of Ohara Manager.

Other commands

Following are other commands for development purpose:

[vm]$ make OHARA_VER=0.7.1
  $ make OHARA_VER={version} {command}
  Both {version} and {command} is required.
  clean: Remove following files:
         build/, .cache/packer_cache/, .cache/packer.log
  ova: Generate the OVA file.
       The output is build/ohara-quickstart-{OHARA_VER}.ova
  vm-import: Import the ova file into VirtualBox
  vm-start: Start quickstart VM
  vm-poweroff: Poweroff quickstart VM
  vm-reset: Reset quickstart VM
  vm-delete: Unregister & delete quickstart VM